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Pain Diagnosis with Neural Scan

At Interventional Pain Associates, we specialize in non-invasive methods to diagnose and treat your chronic pain conditions. One way in which we do this is with a Neural Scan. The Neural Scan is a remarkable alternative to x-rays and MRIs that provides 95 percent accuracy without any kind of invasive treatment. The Neural Scan has been cited numerous times in peer reviewed journals and is quickly gaining in credibility, even in traditional medical settings. We believe in the accuracy and ability of the Neural Scan, and we think that you will too.

How does a Neural Scan diagnose pain?

The Neural Scan works by detecting where you hurt and why. A trained professional can look at the immediate and accurate results and determine what the next course of action for your chronic pain should be. The entire information gathering process takes only a few minutes, and the results are easy to implement. The Neural Scan is the technology of the future available today. If you are tired of being poked, prodded, and made to feel like a pincushion, than contact Interventional Pain Associates today to learn more about what a proper Neural Scan can do for you.

What do I do?

Your next step should be to contact Interventional Pain Associates today. If you have been suffering from chronic pain in your back, legs, arms, or anywhere in your body, or if you have been suffering from daily headaches and other muscle and body aches, and your current doctor is out of answers, consider calling Interventional Pain Associates as soon as possible. We’ve helped thousands of people get a handle on their chronic pain, and we can help you too. You don’t have to continue to live your life the way it is. There is a bright pain-free future ahead of you.

Get Pain Diagnosis with Neural Scan? Let’s get your pain under control today. Call: (512) 588-2722 and talk to our pain specialist.